Recommended Reading
One of the best things we can do for our business is to
constantly keep up to date with information. And I don't
just mean information related to "Business Topics".
"Creativity Strives", when we are able to
access seemingly totally unrelated items and merge them into
something new. I call this "Accessing our Un-Conscious
Competency" Data Base... and one of the Best Ways to do
this is by "Reading"..... Reading books covering as many
different topic's as possible.
Fortunately, I love to read.. and I am a "Speed Reader"...
this "Learned Skill" has allowed me to read many books just
standing in the Book Store, waiting for a plane or having a cup
of Coffee... Speed Reading has really helped me over the
years...... Now, I am able to read so much faster by using
something called "Photo Reading" by Learning Strategies...
There are many, many books that I still purchase for my
I call these books my reference books.. books that contain
information and special ideas, and by having these tools at my
fingersipts I am
always able to go back and "Re-Fresh" the idea's
in my mind...
In my CRM Tips for
March 17, 2009, which I called "Learn to Swim
with Sharks". I spoke about two great books, which I again
"Highly Recommend". Here is a excerpt from this CRM Tips:
"Many years
ago, before I went to Australia, I ran along side a gentleman
from Minnesota in a half marathon race. His name was
Harvey McKay, of McKay Envelopes....
Harvey had just finished writing a book
called. Swim
with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage,
Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition (Collins Business
Essentials) Harvey
Mackay , his next installment of a book had the interesting
title called: Beware
the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt: Do What You Love, Love
What You Do, and Deliver More Than You Promise Harvey
I would recommend adding these titles to your library. They are
both just as relevant today as they were some 18 years ago.
Both of these books were a collection of
business short stories, Fables or Anecdotes, which conveyed a
strong message related to business.
Much of what Harvey wrote about, was
related to building the "Relationship"... He often said
the most powerful, tool a businessperson has is their
"Rolodex"... "
Also take the time to
Check this section of our website often for books recommended by
myself and my friends. You can click the links to purchase the
books through

The Shack
By William Paul Young
This book is one book that I recommend highly.
This book was recommended to me by a friend. They
found that story line and message had a profound
positive impact on them. I was curious so I
ordered the book.. and was immediately taken by
the message and story line. Although I "Speed
Read"... I found that I went back over parts of
this book to fully digest and meditate on the message

by Dr. C. Otto Scharmer
In this ground-breaking book, Otto Scharmer invites us
to see the world in new ways. Fundamental problems, as
Einstein once noted, cannot be solved at the same level
of thought that created them. What we pay attention to,
and how we pay attention - both individually and
collectively - is key to what we create. What often
prevents us from attending is what Scharmer calls our
blind spot, the inner place from which each of us
operates. Learning to become aware of our blind spot is
critical to bringing forth the profound systemic changes
so needed in business and society today.
Dr. C. Otto Scharmer is a Senior Lecturer at MIT and the
founding chair of ELIAS (Emerging Leaders Innovate
Across Sectors), a program linking twenty leading global
institutions from business, government, and civil
society in order to prototype profound system
innovations for a more sustainable world. He holds a
Ph.D. in economics and management from Witten-Herdecke
University, Germany.

How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work:
Seven Languages for Transformation
by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey
In How
the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work: Seven
Languages for Transformation,Harvard Graduate
School of Education psychologists Robert Kegan and
Lisa Laskow Lahey explain that most individuals and
organizations are actually immune to deep and
lasting change in spite of their best intentions to
the contrary. If we want a more adequate
understanding of the prospect of change, Kegan and
Lahey suggest, we must first understand our own
powerful inclination not to
Robert Kegan, Ph.D., is the William and Miriam
Meehan Professor of Adult Learning and Professional
Development at the Harvard Graduate School of
Education. Additionally he is the Educational Chair
for the Institute for Management and Leadership in
Education and the Co-director for the Change
Leadership Group. Kegan is a developmental
psychologist and the author of numerous books,
including his most well-known work The Evolving Self
(1982) and In Over Our Heads: the Mental Demands of
Modern Life (1994).
Lisa Laskow Lahey, Ed.D., is research director of
the Change Leadership Project at the Harvard
University Graduate School of Education. She earned
her M.Ed. and Ed.D. in human development from the
Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the
Inside Out
by Marci Shimoff
In Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from
the Inside Out, transformational expert Marci
Shimoff offers a breakthrough approach to being
happy, one that doesn't depend on achievements,
goals, money, relationships, or anything else "out
there." Most books on happiness tell you to find the
things that make you happy and do more of them.
Although there's nothing wrong with that, it won't
bring you the kind of deep and lasting happiness
most people long for -- the kind you'll never lose,
no matter what happens in your life. Based on
cutting-edge research and knowledge from the world's
leading experts in the fields of positive psychology
and neurophysiology, plus interviews with 100 truly
happy people, this life-changing book provides a
powerful, proven 7-step program that will enable you
to be happier right now -- no matter where you
The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes
by Stephen M.R. Covey
A groundbreaking and paradigm shifting book, The Speed
of Trust challenges our age old assumption that trust is
merely a soft, social virtue and instead demonstrates
that trust is a hard edged, economic driver a learnable
and measurable skill that makes organizations more
profitable, people more promotable, and relationships
more energizing.
Qigong in Psychotherapy: You can do so much by doing so
by Patrick Dougherty
Recommendation from Learning Strategies
A student of Master Chunyi Lin and Spring Forest
Qigong since 1995, psychologist and qigong teacher
Patrick Dougherty shows the reader simple, powerful ways
to integrate elements of Taoist philosophy and Chinese
medicine into Western mental health practices. From
teaching simple mind/body techniques, such as focused
breathing and imagery, to explaining how the energetic
world we live in affects our emotional and psychological
health, Dougherty shows us how to quickly and easily
enhance our well being. Perhaps the most exciting aspect
of this book is its emphasis on our fundamental
interconnectedness, and how following the practices in
this book can lead to a more open-hearted engagement
with the world.
The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and
by Gregg Braden
Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking
experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of
energy that connects everything in our lives and our
world—the Divine Matrix. From the healing of our bodies,
to the success of our careers, relationships, and the
peace between nations, this new evidence demonstrates
that we each hold the power to speak directly to the
force that links all of creation. What would it mean to
discover that the power to create joy, to heal
suffering, and bring peace to nations lives inside of
you? How differently would you live if you knew how to
use this power each day of your life? Join Gregg Braden
on this extraordinary journey bridging science,
spirituality and miracles through the language of The
Divine Matrix.
Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan
by Immaculee Ilibagiza
You may have seen this incredible story
highlighted on one of the major television networks.
Miraculously, a brave and remarkable woman - Immaculée
Ilibagiza - survived the slaughter by finding shelter in
the confines of a small bathroom, where she remained for
91 days with 7 other women.
By the grace of God, Immaculée was left to tell her
triumphant story about faith, forgiveness, and endurance
during one of modern time's most horrific events.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Immaculée's
book Left to Tell will be donated to the Left to Tell
Charitable Fund. Remembering the many orphaned children
left behind from the Rwandan tragedy, Immaculée recently
established this fund to help the children of Africa
build new lives.

Success Built to Last: Creating a Life that Matters
by Jerry Porras
This fascinating book clearly shows that creating a life
that matters is not a pipe-dream. It will show you
little-known—but very doable—ways of thinking and acting
that will allow you to create a successful and
fulfilling life.
Another Book I highly Recommend is
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
By Jim Collins & Jerry Porras
Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One
Relationship at a Time
by Keith Ferrazzi
If you want to be more successful, build your own
network. It doesn't matter whether you are running for
president of the local PTA or president of the USA, the
stronger your network the more stunning the results
you'll experience in life. I highly recommend Keith's
Totally Fulfilled: More Money, More Freedom, More
Smiles, Less Stress
by Dean Graziosi
Personal Recommendation
In an easy-to-understand and an easy-to-apply format,
Dean Graziosi wrote a wonderful book to achieve “more
money, more freedom, more smiles, and less stress.” With
simple techniques Dean learned through trial and error,
he takes the reader on an exciting journey to wealth,
abundance, happiness, accomplishments, confidence, love,
prosperity, and so much more.
Dean has been around for quite some time in spite of his
youthful appearance he has a very interesting
perspective on many things.
The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of
Consciousness, Matter And Miracles
By Bruce H. Lipton
The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the
field of New Biology. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a
former medical school professor and research scientist.
His experiments, and those of other leading-edge
scientists, have examined in great detail the processes
by which cells receive information. The implications of
this research radically change our understanding of
life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our
biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from
outside the cell, including the energetic messages
emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.
Dr. Lipton's profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest
and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is
being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our
bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking.
The Grace of Ordinary Days
by Kay Saunders and Bernie Saunders
This is one of Bernie Saunders latest project: "The
Grace of Ordinary Days," It incorporates more of the
same heart-stirring photos, unfolding for us the wisdom
between mother and son.
"The Grace of Ordinary Days is a rare glimpse into the
lives of a mother and son, Kay and Bernie Saunders. The
book combines their art of poetry and photography, but
more important, unites the art of their sixty-year
relationship. Together they discover that it is never
too late to have a courageous conversation, and in doing
so, find unsaid love, understanding, and forgiveness.
The beauty and riches found in this book at the
culmination of their truth."
Source Book for Creative Problem Solving: A Fifty Year
Digest of Proven Innovation Processes
By Dr. Sidney J. Parnes
Recommended by Win Wenger and Learning Strategies
A monumental work, and absolute must for any serious
student or practitioner of creativity. For more than
fifty years, arguments and issues have flowed through
the pages of the peer journal, the Journal of Creative
Behavior. The person who has sorted this all out and
made it an intelligible package is none other than the
Parnes side of the Osborn-Parnes CPS (Creative
Problem-Solving) Method which launched the world-wide
creativity revolution more than a half-century ago. This
entire while, Sid Parnes has remained at the very top of
his field, has lived his creative practices, and
continues to work at the forefront of the creativity
What's Food Got to Do With It?: 101 Natural Remedies for
Learning Disabilities
By Pat Wyman
Could your child's learning disability really be a food
allergy or sensitivity in disguise?
Can certain foods that your child eats, cause his or her
grades to go down?
The latest medical research on the connection between
nutrition and learning says YES!
If you are searching for alternatives to drug therapies
or want to help your child or student learn more easily
and naturally, this new book contains 101 natural,
specific ways you can remedy all kinds of learning
disabilities. Dr. Sandra Hills and Pat Wyman discuss
remedies for children with special learning needs like
ADD, ADHD, dyslexia or reading problems,
sequencing/memory problems, and emotional or other
behavioral problems.
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
By Mihaly Csikszemtmihlyi
A Personal Recommendation.... I read this book
over 18 years ago.. Still as valid now as then...
"For more than two decades Mihaly Csikszemtmihlyi has
been studying states of "optimal experience" –those
times when people repost feelings of concentration and
deep enjoyment. These investigations have revealed that
what makes experience genuinely satisfying is a state of
consciousness called flow–a state of concentration so
focused that it amounts to absolute absorption in an
activity...Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
reveals how this pleasurable state can, in fact, be
controlled, and not just left to chance, by setting
ourselves challenges–tasks that are neither too
difficult nor too simple for our abilities. With such
goals, we learn to order the information the enters
consciousness and thereby improve the quality of our
lives." -From back cover
The Resiliency Advantage: Master Change, Thrive Under
Pressure, and Bounce Back From Setbacks
by Al Siebert, PhD
Psychologist and presenter Al Siebert, PhD, recently
published his newest book titled, The Resiliency
Advantage: Master Change, Thrive Under Pressure, and
Bounce Back From Setbacks. His first book, the
bestselling The Survivor Personality, introduced his
model for mental health and featured “resiliency” as a
core human skill.
I’ve been a fan of Al’s since the mid 1980s and
privileged to have worked with him to publish the audio
personal learning course, “Resiliency: The Power to
Bouce Back.” It is clear to me that the personality
trait of being highly resilient to disruptive change
couldn’t possibly be more timely in this age of so much
worldly turmoil.
Dr. Siebert does a lovely job of presenting how to
develop five levels of resiliency skills. He illustrates
all his points with clear, relevant examples. A major
bonus comes through his rich history of 30 years working
with clients and documenting their experiences. The
pages are alive with energy that will give an immediate
advantage to any reader.
Copyrighted in 2005 by Al Siebert, PhD. Published by
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, CA.
The Hidden Messages in Water
"Understanding the fact that we are essentially water is
the key to uncovering the mysteries of the universe..."
by Masaru Emoto
Recommended by Learning Strategies
Dr. Emoto’s amazing photos show the impact of human
thoughts and feelings on water, and support the core of
what Learning Strategies and Spring Forest Qigong
teaches from a scientific perspective.
The Success Principles
by Jack Canfield
Personal Recommendation... I chose this one as part of
my Library.
This is a recent success classic by a Jack
Canfield. Jack Canfield,is
a phenomenal writer, famous for his
Chicken Soup for the Soul series. He has already greatly
impacted the soul of the world, and he is doing it
No matter where you are with your life, The Success
Principles gives you proven strategies and time-tested
systems to create a brighter future. I recommend it
unconditionally. Every page has something useful, and
I'm sure you'll end up buying copies for friends.
Magic Eye Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision -- Reduce
Computer Eye Strain, Stress, & More
by Magic Eye Inc. & Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac.
I purchased this book in the early 90's for my
children.. I found that it truly started to change
how I viewed things.... Left/Right brain integration
Since the 1990s, Magic Eye books have sold millions of
copies, and now creators of have developed another
magical book. Magic Eye Beyond 3D looks at the medical
benefits and scientific explanations of viewing these 3D
images. Beyond 3D goes beyond to reach a wider audience
with explanations of its fascinating possibilities. It’s
more than improving your vision. Viewing Magic Eye
images can boost your brain activity.
Be sure to check out the section on “Accelerated
Learning & Fast Reading” that discusses PhotoReading,
and how using Magic Eye and PhotoReading can turbocharge
your reading!
The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further
Evolution of Human Nature
by Michael Murphy
Excellent Book, I also recommend it highly... It was
originally suggested to me by Paul Sheele of Learning
Here is what Paul, has to say about this book.
Michael Murphy is co-founder and Chairman of Esalen
Institute in Big Sur, California. For thirty years he
has been a potent force in the human potential movement.
In his book he provides a massive tome of impressive
evidence for the extraordinary powers of the human
mind/body. Murphy beautifully catalogs “metanormal
capacities,” offering rich scientific support for our
transformative abilities. He cites studies in
biofeedback, psychotherapy, sports, martial arts,
religion, meditation, spiritual healing, and more.
I've always loved telling tales of amazing human
potentials and offering strategies on how to achieve
them, so this book is a real treat for me. Anyone
interested in developing human potential and justifying
their efforts to skeptical loved ones, should read and
reference this book. Murphy offers straightforward
explanations on the bases and elements of transformative
practices. Then, to top it all off, he gives us a
complete set of "integral practices" to discover our own
higher powers.
The Solutions Focus: The SIMPLE Way to Positive Change
by Paul Z. Jackson and Mark McKergow
The idea really is simple: identify what works and do
more of it, and stop doing what does not work and do
something different. By taking a solution-focused
approach to problems instead of focusing on the problem,
you move toward your desired future and toward the
solution. In essence, there are no problems. Analyzing,
talking about, and reacting to problems, is the worst
way to solve them! Realize that every “problem” is
different and therefore each requires a unique approach
to changing it. Once you do, you take your power back.
Use the SIMPLE approach in your organization, office
team, and any area of your personal life.
Unlimited Futures: How to Understand the Life You Have
and Create the Life You Want
by Bobbie R. Stevens, Ph.D.
With this book, let Bobbie Stevens be your personal
consultant to create whatever you want: optimal health,
an ideal partner, to understand the meaning of life...
Because our self-defeating habits and our negative
thoughts and beliefs often get in the way of what we
want, we need to change the way we think about beliefs.
And, about self-improvement. Beliefs are only
information we have accepted. Bobbie Stevens shows how
she created relationships, found herself a mate, how she
created business success, and a lifestyle she truly
enjoys. She shares step-by-step guidelines, which are
practical and powerful, teaching what it means to become
self-actualized, ultimately discovering the ability
within to fulfill our needs and desires.
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
by Eckhart Tolle
Great book, made NOW, by Oprah's recommendation.
One of our biggest problems is our constant need to
analyze; we think about our past and the future, all of
our problems and our pain. What if a problem is just an
illusion, a label we allow our minds to attach to a
certain situation? What if instead of thinking about
what might happen, we let go of time and notice only
what is going on in the present moment? The author
believes that we would attain enlightenment. The idea
appeared suddenly for him when he awoke one night, and
though the realization may not come to us this way, his
message is simple and inspiring. Even while doing our
meditations, practicing yoga or relaxation exercises, we
are constantly looking for peace, but we find true
happiness when we stop searching for it, because
happiness is now.
Thresholds of the Mind: Your Personal Roadmap to
Success, Happiness, and Contentment
by Bill Harris
This one is on my Book shelf... I must read... I
have also been using Holosync Products for over 10
His belief is clear: no one has to suffer or lead a life
of unhappiness. You can live the life you want. Bill
Harris has helped thousands to create life-lasting
change through Centerpointe Research Institute and the
remarkable Holosync audio technology. Learn how so many
people have found mental, emotional, and spiritual
growth with this program. The key is starting from the
inside, using an audio program that can produce for your
mind a relaxed and meditative state. Bill Harris
understands how the minds works, why meditation works,
and explains how the profound effects of Holosync have
helped him and others achieve success and happiness.
The Sedona Method: Your
Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional
by Hale Dwoskin
I have personally been using The Sedona Method for 10
years...Another one on my self...
The Sedona Method is finally available in book form!
Since the 1970s personal friends have raved about the
emotionally freeing results they've received from doing
the Sedona Method. And then, since the 1990s when Hale
Dwoskin began offering classes in the Sedona Method,
clients of Learning Strategies began telling us about
their successes--so much so that we asked Hale to do a
special program as part of our Euphoria Personal
Learning Course. The Sedona Method teaches a simple way
to be free from any emotion that may be barring your
success. In the book Hale tells you how to use the
method systematically on any challenge you have in your
life, whether in learning, career, relationships, or
Loving What Is : Four Questions that Can Change Your
by Byron Katie
This book was Recommended by Paul Scheele, Learning
Here is what Paul has to say about this book
Byron Katie (a woman who goes by the name Katie)
reveals the details and use of her amazing process known
simply as "The Work." I first encountered Katie in a
weekend workshop at Omega Institute in upstate New York
three years ago. Her long awaited book is much better
than I had anticipated. Along with her husband and
previously published co-author Stephen Mitchell, Katie
has crafted a beautiful description of her powerful
human development breakthrough.
The book contains more than clear instructions for
how to bring The Work alive in your own life. You also
see it in action with transcripts of live stage-sessions
with Katie. Each session seems more astounding than the
next. Be forewarned; Loving What Is is not about
self-improvement, but about finding the truth. I believe
you will find, as I have, that "...the truth will set
you free."
Accelerated Learning for the 21st Century:The Six-Step
Plan to Unlock Your Master-Mind
by Colin Rose and Malcolm J. Nicholl
I have been using Accelerated Learning Strategies as
part of my programs for 20 plus years... Colin has
been around for most of that time. I still use
many of his early works.
For anyone who wants to remember more, learn faster,
think more creatively, and increase your ability to
retain even the most difficult material, this book will
have an impact. Accelerated Learning is practical and
insightful, and based on the latest scientific research.
Colin Rose explains how you can increase your intuition,
solve problems, and discover your own personal learning
style, a key to learning that is often missing in
traditional education. Learn how the brain functions so
that you can tap into your natural skills, talents, and
intelligence. Especially valuable for students,
teachers, and parents.
The Mind Map Book: How
to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's
Untapped Potential
by Tony Buzan with Barry Buzan
I started using "Mind Mapping" in the early 90's and it
was Tony Buzan that articulated these strategies to
me.... These concepts work well with Speed Reading
and PhotoReading Concepts
The Mind Map book is worth mentioning. One of the most
effective activation techniques, Tony Buzan's Mind
Mapping is a groundbreaking technique. The Mind Mapping
book shows you how to create your own Mind Maps to
involve your whole brain in learning. The genius in Mind
Mapping is that it mirrors the way your brain naturally
perceives, categorizes, and creates associations for
learning. Learn how to take notes the right way for
increased comprehension and recall. Organize your ideas,
effectively prepare a speech, report, presentation, or
lecture. Mind Mapping is for students, PhotoReaders,
teachers, everyone!
Brain Gym: Simple
Activities for Whole Brain Learning
by Dr. Paul E. Dennison and Gail E. Dennison
I became aware of this book through Learning Strategies
and Photo Reading.
An absolute favorite of some of our PhotoReading
instructors, Brain Gym is full of easy and enjoyable
physical activities that enhance learning. Everyone
should experience these special activities that bring
about dramatic improvements in reading, writing, memory,
concentration, physical coordination...and more. Brain
Gym activities are unique and fun! For children and
adults. The exercises integrate the mind and body,
accelerate learning, and develop the brain's neural
pathways, all through movement.
The idea of Educational Kinesiology was created by Dr.
Paul E. Dennison and Gail E. Dennison through their
extensive research in education, psychology, functions
of the brain and applied kinesiology. Brain Gym has been
taught in thousands of public and private schools
And when you experience rapid results with Brain Gym,
check out another PhotoReading instructor top pick,
Brain Gym, Teacher’s Edition.
Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the
21st Century
by Howard Gardner
Great Book... It is all about how we view things..
and helps open the door as to how we view education and
intelligence.. we learn on many levels....
Also great grounding for Accelerated Learning.
Whether you are familiar with his Theory of Multiple
Intelligences, Howard Gardner will update you on the
evolution of his theory; that rather than a single
characteristic, intelligence has various components and
is not easily tested without considering these distinct,
multiple qualities of the mind. Presented initially in
his 1983 book, Frames of Mind, Gardner follows how the
theory has, and has not, been integrated into culture,
education, and our perceptions of intelligence and IQ.
He presents an overview of the theory and examines the
myths that surround it. Gardner also proposes an
additional intelligence to the original seven. He
considers for example, moral, spiritual, existential,
and naturalist factors, while he questions the common
practice of one way to teach/one way to learn. For
anyone interested in genuine learning and teaching,
Intelligence Reframed is an eye-opener.
The Survivor Personality ...Why
Some People Are Stronger, Smarter, and More Skillful at
Handling Life's Difficulties...and How You Can Be, Too
by Al Siebert, Ph.D.
Al Siebert reveals why some people survive, even thrive,
in difficult situations and other people do not. What
qualities do certain people have that make them able to
bounce back from adversity? From his years of research,
Al Siebert gives valuable insight into the
characteristics and habits that help human beings
overcome life’s tragic situations. He shares personal
stories of true survivors so that we can learn how to
become more resilient. We can be prepared for difficult
experiences and even look forward to change, making us
stronger instead of feeling overwhelmed. Ultimately, we
can learn to turn any tragedy into something positive,
for a happier and more promising future.
Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of
Human Nature
edited by Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrams
Excellent Book... you can't view this page without
the Nothingness of the Background available for the
Words or Foreground. Neither can exist without the
other. Knowing how to work with these aspects can
be life changing.
This book has long been on my "most recommended" list
for those interested in learning more about the shadow
side of personality. But now I know it is a must-read
for anyone involved with personal development (either on
their own or helping others).
We all pay a price for neglecting areas of our psyche
that we would rather deny. Read the book and find out
how to gain the riches of your mind, improve your
psychological strength, and understand why people behave
as they do.
Meeting The Shadow is filled with well-written and
easily digested contributions from the most
knowledgeable authors in the field of shadow-work.
Although the subject is both deep and broad, the book
covers it with remarkable thoroughness.
The Einstein Factor
by Win Wenger
For many years I have included in my programs, the
concept that we are "ALL GENIUSES"... we can learn
to use our minds in a different manner and we literally
BEcome the GENUIS..
New research suggests that the superior achievements of
famous thinkers may have been more the result of mental
conditioning than genetic superiority. Now you can learn
to condition your mind in the same way and improve your
performance in virtually all aspects of mental ability,
including memory, quickness, IQ, and learning capacity.
Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power
of Feelings
by Lynn Grabhorn
The law of attraction puts whatever you think about into
your life, so you have to be careful what you put in
your mind and how you feel about it. The distinction
between negative wants (I don't want to be poor) and
positive wants (I want enough money to do what I want in
life) is difficult for most people, but the author makes
it abundantly clear with great personal examples and a
lot of enthusiasm. We can choose how we frame things and
thus control the vibrations we send out to the world.
Her strong emotions will be too much for some listeners,
but she's genuine, and the ideas will grab you no matter
how you feel about the reading.