I just received the following
information from Clate Mask at
Infusionsoft. Myself being a
sports person, I can relate to the
following Quote.
When asked about his
outstanding performance on the ice,
Wayne Gretzky replied, "A good
hockey player plays where the puck
is. A great hockey player plays
where the puck is going to be."
Where is your business focusing?
I've found that one of the most
powerful practices as a
is to spend a day away from
the office, dream a little, and
envision my company 1, 3, 5 years
into the future.
Actually, I have
done this practice, almost daily,
for the last 20 years. It can
be done doing almost anything non
work related. For example, I
do triathlons, and during my
trainings, when I am running, biking
and swimming, I am alone with my
thoughts... This is a great
time to Dream and Plan for your
future business.
When I occasionally "fly into the
future" it makes it easier to come
back to the present, push through
obstacles, and chart my course to
the future I have envisioned.
Why does this work? Well, when
we visualize, our mind has
difficulty knowing what is imagined
and what is real. In fact,
sports psychology has used these
visualization techniques for
decades. When previewing an
event before it happens the body
actually triggers the same neuro-pathways
as it would when actually performing
the event.
Spend some time in
the future and you'll be able to
"skate to where the puck is going to
When you arrive
there, it can be said....
you went "Back to the Future".
The more often you do this
"Perfectly in your Mind", the more
accurately you will be able to
"Skate There".
Interesting. What, Future have
you envisioned?
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